What are Bioidentical Hormones?
Many people who are considering hormone replacement therapy to improve their health, wonder what the difference is between bioidentical hormone therapy and synthetic hormone therapy (standard hormone therapy).
Bioidentical hormone therapy uses hormones that have an identical molecular structure to our own human hormones so that they fit perfectly into the hormone receptor sites found in our cells. The body doesn't distinguish between a hormone produced within the body and one that is a supplemental bioidentical hormone, so they are properly utilized as if one in the same.
The image for Progesterone (natural) in this article shows the natural molecular structure of human Progesterone. The bioidentical hormone progesterone shares that exact molecular structure.
The second image displays a synthetic progesterone hormone. You can see that this molecular form is not exactly the same as the natural progesterone. This altered version does not convey the same messages to your cells and therefore, the results will not be the same.
Non-bioidentical hormones are also known as synthetic hormones. They are chemically unique and not found in nature. Because of this, they can be patented and sold by drug companies for large profits, bio-identical hormones can not be patented and are much less expensive.
Restoring the bodies hormones to their optimal level, is a safe and effective way to achieve and maintain health and well-being and to get rid of many hormone-related problems like moodiness, sleep problems, energy, thinning bones, weakening muscles, increased body fat and more.
However, even with all the benefits, before you begin any hormone replacement therapies, consult Dr. Schlyer and our office if you are in the Tampa Bay, FL area and request a free in-person consultation.
Too much of a good thing can be harmful and you should never try to guess which hormones your body needs without the help of a qualified physician who specializes in hormone replacement therapy like Dr. Schlyer.
If you are located in the Tampa Bay area, call 727-847-1825 and request an in-person consultation and mention this article.