Symptoms of Low Testosterone: Could You Have "Low T?"
What is Low Testosterone?
Low testosterone, often referred to as "low T" is real medical condition known as hypogonadism. It occurs when the body's sex glands are unable to produce the normal amounts of testosterone due to a problem with the testicles or the pituitary gland that controls the testicles.
Your testosterone level (T level) is considered low, when it has fallen below 300ng/dl. Testosterone levels between 300ng/dl and 1,000ng/dl are considered in the normal range by most doctors.
Your pituitary gland should tell your testes when to make more testosterone and when to make less. If your T level is normal, you should make less and if too low, make more. Testosterone is an important hormone as it helps maintain men's bone density, fat distribution, muscle strength and mass, sex drive, sperm and red blood cell production.
Low testosterone levels can be due to natural aging as testosterone production declines approximately 1% each year after you have reached the age of 30. However, it can also be due to disease or even a side effect of medications you may be taking. In addition, men approaching middle age and beyond (40 and older) may experience a phenomenon similar to female menopause, called Andropause in which the decline of testosterone and the display of mental and physical symptoms occur more rapidly than a common decline from aging.
What are the Symptoms of Low Testosterone?
All men do not have exactly the same symptoms if they have low testosterone levels; you may have a few symptoms or may notice that you are experiencing almost all of the low T symptoms listed below.
Low testosterone symptoms include:
- Lack of Sexual Drive (Libido)
- Lack of Energy
- Increased Body Fat
- Reduced Muscle Mass
- Weight Gain
- Insomnia
- Reduced Concentration
- Lack of Motivation
- Mood Swings
- Memory Loss
- Hair Loss
If you are experiencing some of the symptoms listed above and wonder if you could have low testosterone levels, the best way to find out is to visit Dr. Schlyer to discuss your symptoms to see what he recommends.
How is Low Testosterone Diagnosed and Treated?
Once you schedule an appointment with Dr. Schlyer and he believes that you could be exhibiting the symptoms of low T, they will likely do a physical exam and then order blood tests to confirm that you do indeed have low testosterone prior to prescribing bio-identical hormone replacement therapy.
A blood test is the only way to diagnose low testosterone. Self-diagnosis or taking testosterone or any kind without the approval of your doctor can be dangerous as too much of a good thing, can actually be a bad thing.
The results of your blood work will help Dr. Schlyer know exactly where your testosterone level is, and will enable them to recommend what type of hormone replacement therapy plan would be best for you and what amount you should have to restore your levels to normal.
Common hormone replacement therapies for low testosterone include injections, pellets and creams. Dr. Schlyler can help you select the one that fits your lifestyle and needs the best.
When administered under the guidance of a physician, bio-identical testosterone hormone replacement therapy can help you feel much younger and can reduce the signs of aging. When normal T levels are restored, it doesn't take long for most men to experience an increase in libido, strength, positive mood, bone density and more.
A desirable addition to bio-identical hormone replacement therapy for maximum positive results are consistent exercise, and a healthy diet.
If you are located in the Tampa Bay area of Florida and are considering hormone replacement therapy or have the symptoms of low testosterone, contact us for a complimentary consultation at Renuvia Medical Center with Dr. Arthur Schlyer at either our Tampa satellite office or our New Port Richey location. Simply call: 727-847-1825.
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